Platypus Police Squad: The Frog Who Croaked is the first in a series of zany, action-packed middle-grade mysteries featuring platypus police detectives Rick Zengo and Corey OÕMalley.
When a call comes in about a crime down at the docks involving a missing schoolteacher and a duffle bag full of illegal fish, Zengo and OÕMalley are going to have to learn to set their differences aside if they want to get to the bottom of this. Especially when the clues all point to Frank Pandini Jr., KallamazooÕs first son and its most powerful, well-respected businessman.
Fans of Adam Rex, Jon Scieszka, and Jarrett J. KrosoczkaÕs own Lunch Lady graphic novels will flip for JarrettÕs new series of illustrated middle-grade novels.