Once Upon a Time / Habia una vez


Author: Martinez, Rueben/ Colon, Raul (ILT)
ISBN: 9780061468957 Publisher: Harpercollins Childrens Books

Enter an enchanted world of kings and giants, where cockroaches play dress-up and coyotes fly to the moon! In this lively bilingual collection of short stories, Spain and Latin America's most beloved tales are retold for a new generation.

From the grateful rooster who cries "Cock-a-doodle-doo!" to the awesome spirit of the Mother of the Jungle, Once Upon a Time/Habia una vez celebrates seven traditional folktales and tells them in a colorful, fresh voice. In these magical adventures that are sure to delight, readers young and old will meet some of the world's most memorable heroes and charming tricksters.

Entra a un mundo encantado de reyes y gigantes, donde las cucarachas se visten de gala Áy los coyotes vuelan a la luna! En esta colecci—n de cuentos bilingŸe, encontrar‡s las historias m‡s preciadas de Espa–a y LatinoamŽrica, reinventadas aqu’ para una nueva generaci—n.

Del gallo agradecido que grita "ÁQuiquiriqu’!" al poderoso esp’ritu de la Madreselva, Once Upon a Time/Habia una vez celebra siete cuentos tanto populares como tradicionales. En estas aventuras m‡gicas que sin duda te agradar‡n, conocer‡s a hŽroes memorables y a p’caros encantadores.

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